Business Phone Numbers

Attract local business and give peace of mind to potential clients with a professional landline number that directs straight to your personal phone.

Give your business a trustworthy phone number.

Local phone numbers and well established area codes are the one of the best ways to attract new business.

What is a virtual number?

A virtual business number is an inbound number with a local prefix or area code, that correlates to the area you’re wanting to target. Choose from thousands of available numbers throughout the UK, including 020 for London, and 0161 for Manchester. Create a virtual presence in any UK town or city with a virtual number beginning with 01 or 02.

How does it work?

We’ve made it super simple for you to get the professional business phone number your brand needs by working with one of the largest telecoms providers in the UK, Telecoms World. Simply tell us the area you’d like your number to be attached to, e.g 0161 for Manchester, and we’ll send over a full list of available numbers for you to choose from.

...But what about the cost?

Business phone lines start from just £4.99 for an 01 or 01 number. If you’re wanting more information in regards to cost and pricing for your business number, get in touch and we’ll be able to tailor a plan that suits your individual needs, whether that be guiding you through the process, or for a small one-off fee, we’ll complete the entire process for you, meaning you don’t even need to lift a finger.

Choose the perfect memorable number.

Promote your business in any town or city across the entire UK with a low cost business phone number.